In Texas, the heart of the oil industry beats strongly, threading through communities and shaping lives. Towns like Rockwall, while not directly in the oil patch, are home to many who work in or with the oil sector, sometimes finding themselves in remote locations for extended periods. For those who travel to and from oilfields, creating a sense of home in temporary living quarters—like man camps—is vital. This necessity sparks a unique set of challenges and solutions aimed at bridging the gap between the comfort of home and the practicality of life on the move. In this blog, we will share essential tips for making any temporary stay, particularly in the demanding environment of an oilfield, feel more like home, ensuring workers have a restful, comfortable place to return to.

Prioritize Comfortable Bedding

The foundation of feeling at home anywhere is a good night’s sleep.

– Invest in high-quality mattresses or mattress toppers.

– Bring your own bedding, including soft sheets and a cozy comforter, to personalize your sleep space.

– Consider ergonomic pillows to support restful sleep.

– Adding a familiar blanket or throw can provide comfort and warmth.

Personalize Your Space

Small personal touches can transform a generic space into your own personal retreat.

– Decorate with photos of family and loved ones.

– Bring along a few favorite books or personal items that hold sentimental value.

– Use battery-operated candles or fairy lights to create a soothing ambiance.

– A small plant or faux plant can add a touch of life and homeliness.

Utilize Facilities Wisely

Making the most of the amenities in an oilfield man camp can significantly improve your comfort and well-being during your stay.

– Identify and use communal spaces for relaxation and socializing to combat feelings of isolation.

– Engage with available entertainment options, like shared TVs.

– If laundry services are available, a personal laundry bag with your name can keep your items organized and separate.

Create a Routine

Establishing a routine akin to one followed at home fosters a sense of stability and familiarity, which can alleviate stress and anxiety. Consistency in daily activities provides a framework for productivity and helps regulate emotions, contributing to overall well-being. 

– Set specific times for meals, exercise, and relaxation, just as you would at home.

– Keep your living area tidy and organized to mirror the cleanliness of your permanent home.

– Dedicate time for calls or video chats with family and friends to stay connected.

– Include a hobby or pastime in your daily schedule to foster personal contentment.

Invest in Storage Solutions

Organized storage can keep your temporary space clutter-free and functional.

– Use under-bed storage containers to maximize unused space.

– Hanging organizers can efficiently store clothing, shoes, and accessories.

– Collapsible storage bins are great for transporting and can be used to organize gear within your quarters.

– Labeling storage containers helps in quickly finding what you need without hassle.

Promote a Sense of Community

When individuals feel connected and supported by those around them, they are more likely to thrive both emotionally and socially. 

– Organize social events and activities that encourage interaction and camaraderie among residents.

– Set up communal areas where people can gather, share meals, or simply relax together.

– Provide community bulletin boards for residents to share news, sell items, or offer services.

– Encourage the formation of interest groups or clubs within the camp to cater to various hobbies and interests.

Ensure Safety and Security

A secure environment is foundational to a comfortable living space.

– Implement comprehensive security measures, including lighting, cameras, and controlled access points.

– Conduct regular safety drills and provide clear information on emergency protocols.

– Offer personal security options, such as safes or lockable cabinets, for valuable items.

– Maintain a visible security presence to address any concerns promptly.

Incorporate Comfort Items

The inclusion of items that enhance comfort can significantly improve your experience in corporate housing.

– Consider a small aromatherapy diffuser with essential oils that can help create a relaxing atmosphere.

– Bring or request additional lighting options, such as table lamps or string lights, to avoid relying solely on overhead lighting and to add warmth to your living space.

– Stock your kitchen with a few favorite snacks or ingredients. Having familiar foods can make the place feel more like home and provide comfort after a long day.

Introduce Portable Hobby Kits

In unique settings where traditional recreational amenities like gyms may not be available, introducing portable hobby kits can offer a personalized way to unwind and enjoy leisure time.

– Curate hobby kits based on popular interests, such as drawing, model building, knitting, or writing, allowing workers to select one that resonates with their hobbies.

– Include all necessary materials within each kit for convenience and ease of use, ensuring everything needed for the hobby is at hand.

– Organize monthly hobby challenges or showcases where workers can display their creations or share progress, fostering a sense of community and accomplishment.

– Provide storage options for ongoing projects, so personal space remains organized and projects can be securely stored when not in use.

Setup Community Learning and Skill-Sharing Sessions

Setting up community learning and skill-sharing sessions can be an excellent way to foster personal growth and camaraderie.

– Schedule regular sessions where individuals can volunteer to teach a skill or share knowledge on a subject they’re passionate about, from cooking special dishes to basic automotive maintenance.

– Create a sign-up system for both presenters and participants to gauge interest and manage session sizes, ensuring an effective learning environment.

– Provide any necessary materials or equipment for the sessions, encouraging active participation and hands-on learning.

– Record sessions, if possible, to create a library of resources that workers can access at any time, enhancing the value of shared knowledge.


Transforming a temporary living space, such as a man camp, into a comfortable home away from home is no small feat. It involves a comprehensive approach that goes beyond the physical layout to include fostering community, ensuring safety and security, providing for health and wellness, maintaining open lines of communication, and preparing for the unpredictability of nature. These efforts create an environment where residents can thrive, not just survive, blending the lines between work and home life seamlessly. 

Such a holistic approach not only enhances the well-being and satisfaction of the residents but also contributes to a more cohesive, productive, and happy workforce. In the end, the goal is to ensure that every individual who calls these temporary accommodations home feels valued, supported, and part of a community, no matter how far they are from their actual homes.