Concrete is penetrable, which means that it quickly absorbs fluids like paint. With this ease of penetration, paint can flow millimeters deep into a concrete surface. As a result, it can be a trial to figure out how to remove paint from concrete, but it can surely be done.

Sometimes you accidentally dripped paint on concrete and later you want to remove it. Removing paint from the concrete can be a tough and time-consuming task. As concrete is permeable and it quickly absorbs fluids like paint. You can remove paint by following the right method. Just use the right products and perseverance. Follow this guide to remove paint:

Elements and Accessories Required To Remove Paint from Concrete:

  • Broom (or clean cotton rag)
  • Trisodium phosphate
  • Long-handled brush
  • Putty knife
  • Chemical paint stripper
  • Protective gear (respirator, dust mask, rubber gloves)
  • Pressure washer
  • Clay powder or kitty litter (optional)
Pressure Washer


Clean the concrete surface thoroughly and let dry

When you set out to remove paint from concrete, the first thing to do is clean the surface of the concrete thoroughly. First of all, remove all the dirt/debris from the surface. Further, try to remove insecure paint with a brush or scraper. Make a solution of soap and water, or better yet, diluted trisodium phosphate (TSP)—in which case, be sure to wear gloves. Meanwhile, sweep or wipe off the concrete, removing as much movable dust, dirt, and debris as possible. Now continue to work the soapy water or TSP into the concrete into a long-handled brush. Rinse the area afterwards, allowing one to three hours for the surface to dry.


Scrape peeled or chipped areas and apply paint stripper

If any of the paint has now begun to chip or peel, scrape it off with a putty knife. Having done so, get ready to use the chemical paint stripper. You need to use one designed for the type of paint you’re trying to remove. Once you’ve reached the concrete with a generous layer of paint stripper, let it sit for six to eight hours to let the surface dry. Throughout that time, a chemical reaction will take place, the magical outcome of which is the removal of paint. Allow time for the stripper to work. Last, leave it until it gets dry or according to the instruction that is on the chemical stripper.

The type of the paint (oil-based or water-based) you are going to remove will determine the type of the stripper, that you have to use.

There are many chemical strippers available in the market. Therefore, you may use them for oil-based paint or you can use your solution with clay. Moreover, you can use water for small spots and water-based paint.


Remove paint stripper residue

For this level of the job, so long as you’re operating on a compact concrete patch, you can reasonably get by with a wire scrub brush or a paint scraper. On a larger surface, to perform things much more flexible, it’s recommended that you lease a pressure washer from your local home Centre. Always consume safety gear when handling chemical paint strippers. You want to avoid direct contact with the chemical. You also want to avoid inhaling any chemical fumes. Moving forward, this time you have to scrub chemical/water applied surface. Try to use a wire brush for scrubbing. Most importantly, rub it and remove all the loose paint.

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Dry/clean the concrete surface

Lastly, clean the surface with water or wipe it with a clean cloth. Make a solution of soap and water and clean with this. Try to use a pressure washer and remove all the dust and lose parts of the paint. Then, leave it until it gets dry.


Final thoughts about it

Do not forget to wear gloves before starting. Sometimes you need to repeat this procedure to remove paint cleanly. So, if you are noticing that you are not getting 100% result, you can apply this method again.


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How to remove paint from concrete porch?” answer-0=”Scrape free paint using a paint tool until all peeling paint has remained removed. Wash the porch applying soap and liquid to remove any dirt and allow the area to dry thoroughly. Lightly sand the surface of the cover using medium-grit if there is any smooth or greasy residue left on the paint.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How to remove paint from concrete without chemicals?” answer-1=”Water and stress washer is the most reliable method for this you have to clean the surface and let it dry, apply colour stripper if needed then let the stripper sit for any time. Then scrub the space and wash the affected area. Repeat once again and wash the concrete.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How to remove paint from concrete foundation?” answer-2=”Wash the concrete surface completely and let dry. Scrape stripped or chipped colour. Use paint stripper and wait. Discard paint stripper residue. Reapply paint stripper as necessary.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]